Get to know the Scientific Council
The Scientific Council is an extremely important body that reviews our products and activities. Why was it appointed? The Scientific Council is the initiating, opinion-giving and advisory body in the field of statutory activities and product development matters.
It is the RADA that ensures that our mission of health education is consistently implemented and that the products in our store, including HEALTH GUARD , meet the highest standards and requirements.
These are specialists in various fields of medicine, practicing on a daily basis and having direct contact with patients! Their extensive experience clearly shows that education and conscious PREVENTION are the most valuable defense against many diseases.
Members of the Scientific Council
Igor Bondarenko
Medical doctor and professor of general and clinical biochemistry. He specializes in Immunodiagnostics and Clinical Laboratory Medicine. Certified specialist of the Association of Systematics
Kinesiology -
Marta Wcześniak
Clinical dietitian and traditional Chinese medicine therapist. She is passionate about a healthy lifestyle and focuses on a holistic approach, combining Eastern and Western methods. Thanks to an individual approach to the kitchen, he shows the other side of food, which not only satisfies the palate, but is also an effective method of treatment.
Aleksandra Dahan
Lekarka medycyny (absolwentka Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego 2022r), terapeutka manualna wg FRSc, nauczycielka sportu PAS ze specjalizacją w tańcu, nauczycielka Jogi i Partneringu, tancerka, performerka, pasjonatka istoty ludzkiej jako całości, autentycznej komunikacji i ucieleśnienia emocji. Założycielka projektu "Ciałość" zajmującego się rozpowszechnianiem rozwoju świadomości ciała w ruchu oraz ucieleśnienia emocji.
Sebastian Zachara, Ice Tiger Health Trainer
clinical dietitian, business psychologist, WHM, XPT and Oxygen Advantage respiratory trainer. Former competitive athlete, Polish representative, winner of many Polish champion titles, European Championships and World Cups. Author of 2 books. Creator of the innovative "Ice Tiger Training" program. Specialist in the field
reversing metabolic and autoimmune diseases by changing lifestyle and nutrition. -
Karolina Wielińska
Clinical dietitian, graduate of the Medical University of Poznań, iridologist, lover of natural medicine and a holistic approach to health.
Krzysztof Juszkiewicz
Pharmacist, Dietitian, Enthusiast of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Entrepreneur on the e-commerce market
Krzysztof Chabros
Medical doctor, diabetologist, hypertensiologist, graduate of the Military Medical Academy in Łódź. In his professional work, he deals with patients with diabetes at every stage of their treatment.
Karolina Olszewska
Urogynecological and proctological physiotherapist. Medical hirudotherapist, acupuncturist, founder of the PhysioHarmony office in Warsaw.
Małgorzata Moszak
Doctor of medical sciences, clinical dietitian, author of works and scientific publications on nutritional treatment in various disease states. Particularly interested in diet therapy for metabolic diseases and digestive tract diseases.
Adam Trzciński
Medical doctor, gastroenterology resident at UCK WUM in Warsaw. He also has extensive academic and research experience.
Monika Kaszuba
Clinical sexologist, psychologist and psychotherapist in the cognitive-behavioral field. Founder of the Jasna Psychoterapia clinic in Warsaw
Emilia Adamczyk
Midwife, sensory integration therapist, international Buteyko instructor, child sleep consultant. He is a member of the National Association of Sensory Integration Therapists. Author of numerous parenting and scientific articles on breastfeeding, care and development of infants. On a daily basis, he runs a private practice,, in Warsaw.
Katarzyna Misiak
A cosmetologist, a supporter of psychocosmetological therapy in the office, who listens carefully to the patient. A holistic approach allows you to get to the source of the problem and determine appropriate skin therapy. A vegetarian, aware of the causes of skin lesions related to inadequate nutrition. Passionate about Ayurveda, manual therapies and forest therapy. 5 years after oncological disease.
Zuzanna Pilipiuk
Specialist in sensory integration therapy, master's degree in physiotherapy and speech therapy, experienced in supporting the psychomotor development of young children, as well as in the rehabilitation of adults with multiple disabilities.
Patryk Pyrz
Rehabilitation specialist, Master of Physiotherapy, specialist in PNF and manual therapy Kaltenborn-Evjenth.
Ida Garstecka
Master's degree in psychology, certified coach. Fascinated by man and the processes connecting the body and psyche. He deals with, among others: examining and discovering what emotions and unconscious mechanisms drive our behavior and our choices.
Dominika Modrzewska
Dietetyk i akupunkturzysta. Pasjonat wpływu emocji na ciało, holistycznego podejścia do zdrowia oraz terapii opartych na ziołolecznictwie i dietetyce chińskiej. Łączy mądrość Wschodu z nowoczesną wiedzą, pomagając osiągnąć harmonię ciała, ducha i emocji. Dzięki indywidualnemu podejściu, pokazuje, jak dieta i naturalne metody mogą wspierać zdrowie oraz równowagę organizmu.
Produkty, które poleca Rada Naukowa
HEALTH GUARD CAPS, Strong Antioxidant, 90 capsules (ingredients: NAC, Glycine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Quertecine, Choline)
Regular price 100,00 zł PLNRegular priceUnit price / per32,49 zł PLNSale price 100,00 zł PLN -
Insulin Balance - Support for sugar management (Insulin resistance, Diabetes), (ingredients: Berberine, Alpha-lipoic acid, Cinnamon, Zinc, Copper, Chromium) - 60 capsules
Regular price 130,00 zł PLNRegular priceUnit price / per42,10 zł PLNSale price 130,00 zł PLN -
WOMAN'S HEALTH - support for female hormonal balance (Menopause, Infertility), 90 capsules, (ingredients: Chasteberry Extract, Maca, OPC, B-vitamin complex (including MTHF folate and methylcobaltamine)
Regular price 180,00 zł PLNRegular priceUnit price / per48,56 zł PLNSale price 180,00 zł PLN -
HealthGuard Kids: Healthy Meal - Enriched with Supplements! - STRAWBERRY, 500g, jelly/pudding, (ingredients: KUZU, SUPERFOODS, VITAMIN D3, MAGNESIUM, ZINC)
Regular price 130,00 zł PLNRegular priceUnit price / per43,00 zł PLNSale price 130,00 zł PLN