Collection: Minerals

Minerals are ingredients that cannot be missing in any healthy body. Their appropriate level ensures the proper functioning of all organs. They serve as building blocks, maintain the acid-base balance, and contribute to the construction of red blood cells.

The source of minerals can be a balanced diet, which will provide access to all the necessary elements. However, if the menu does not cover the daily requirement for micro- and macroelements, it is worth considering supplementation. Precisely prepared preparations will restore the appropriate level of substances and compensate for deficiencies.

The role of minerals in the body

For the body to enjoy long years of health, all minerals must be in balance. Their deficiencies lead to serious health ailments, such as: anemia, thyroid problems or enamel defects.

What minerals cannot be missing?

Although the answer to the question of what minerals are is already clear, the second issue remains - what ingredients should we take care of first of all? To stay healthy, you need to supplement any deficiencies and maintain the appropriate level of micro- and macroelements. However, some of them are more difficult to obtain due to their lower content in food, so it is easier to get them deficient.


It is one of the key trace minerals. It takes part in the process of glucose metabolism and controls its level in the blood. Thanks to this, it protects against diabetes. It also constitutes a barrier against atherosclerosis by lowering the concentration of "bad" cholesterol and at the same time increasing its "good" counterpart.


It is a basic mineral used for weakened hair, skin and nails. It also affects the healing of wounds, therefore its deficiency results in a long treatment period and deterioration of the condition of the epidermis. Zinc strengthens bones, which is why it is used in diseases such as rheumatism.


It regulates the proper functioning of the circulatory system and ensures the functioning of the heart. It participates in the transport of oxygen to cells and influences the activity of neurotransmitters, improving brain function.


It regulates the body's water management and has a positive effect on the nervous system. Its deficiencies may lead to, among others: to deterioration of mood, and even anxiety and depression. If, due to illness or incorrect diet, the body does not receive the necessary doses of potassium, it is worth considering supplements to replenish the deficiencies.


Thanks to it, the skin becomes taut and smooth, and wrinkles do not appear for many years. With age, its presence in the body decreases, which is why additional preparations rich in collagen are often used.


It works comprehensively and affects the functioning of most organs. It supports skin regeneration, is responsible for the elasticity of veins and is good for preventing atherosclerosis. It is also an invaluable help for the immune system, which, thanks to silicon, becomes stronger and more resistant to diseases.